Welcoming New Patient & Dental Emergencies
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If you have bleeding gums, family history of gum disease, bad breath we can help you. Weather you need regular cleanings or deep cleanings we need to get you it to the healthy track.
If you have tried all kinds of treatments and you still have issues. Please let us know to find the right treatment for you.
Gum disease is caused by a bacterial infection hidden below your gums. Dental cleanings can effectively remove the bacteria, but the bacteria re-populate almost immediately and the infectious cycle continues. It’s important to keep brushing and flossing, but toothbrush, rinse and floss just can’t reach deep enough to address infections below your gums.
The Perio Tray® by Perio Protect gently applies medication deep under the gums to fight the infections and prevent their recurrence. You use it at home for just minutes each day. The Tray is comfortable, flexible, and custom-fit precisely for your mouth.
It is important to treat active infections. Almost half of American adults have chronic periodontitis, an advanced form of gum disease that taxes the immune system and may make it harder for your body to fight off other infectious challenges. Infections in your gums may also contribute to other chronic health problems like arterial inflammation.
Not only does Perio Tray® therapy help improve your health, it can also help you smile with more confidence. Patients using Perio Trays® report whiter teeth and fresher breath. Chronic bad breath often signals chronic gum disease. Address the disease and freshen your breath.
If you’ve been told that you have gum disease (gingivitis or periodontitis), ask our team if Perio Trays® are right for you.
Our amazing caring and dedicated hygienist Julie have years of experience getting patients healthier and happier
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